- We cannot condone all the info on these Youtube Channels. Everyone must Pray for a Spirit of Discernment for themselves. But all of them are better than mindless entertainment or the Mainstream Media where you KNOW you are being Lied to.
- Also, Youtube is currently Waging a War on the Truth. Many of these channels have been taken down and forced to start all over. They have been Demonetized. The Truth will always face Persecution.
Mario Esparza channel – former Voodoo Priest in training Saved by Jesus… now does Street Ministry and Street Preaching
Big Nik — former popular Youtube Influencer witnessed Satanism in Hellywood and became a Believer
Dana Ashlie – New Ager turned Christian
BABYLON WATCH – exposing Mystery Babylon
17Stormy17 – The Open Scroll channel
4th Watch Radio w/Justen Faull
Chatefratz – Swiss Nazi Templars