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So many people are utterly ignorant of the Negative Health effects of our ever increasing ‘Smart’ Technology. Like an Addict (or abused wife who enables an alcoholic husband), they are unwilling to admit something they Love could possibly be hurting them. They would rather remain Willfully ignorant because it is more emotionally and psychologically Comfortable. Parents are basically Guilty of being a Negligible Parent & even Child Abuse by remaining Willfully Ignorant. There is no Shame in being ignorant of any topic, but THERE IS SHAME when you CHOOSE to remain ignorant.
How many Parents let or encourage their kids to smoke? How many Parents let Toddlers play with Smart Phones & Tablets? They would rather not face those Facts. Many don’t even care they are being Spied Upon 24/7 and their Mined Data Sold (a well known Fact)? But Privacy Concerns are a relatively small matter compared to the Health Concerns. Stealing your Health & Emotional Well Being is worse than stealing your Data.
Ignorance IS NOT BLISS !!
90% of the Population needs an Intervention done for them to wake them from their Zombie like Stupor. Lots of people are finally starting to talk about the negative Psychological Addiction factor of Smart Phones, but few ever bring up the fact there are also so many negative Physical Health effects? The Science is there, but few ever bother to look at it?
Bio Initiative Report – scientists from around the world
Many people probably assume the technology is ‘safe’ because otherwise they would have ‘heard’ about it by now. But unless you listen to ‘alternative’ media and podcasts your are not likely to ‘hear’ about anything. Keep in mind how much POWER the Multi Trillion Dollar Tell Com Industry wields. Do you think they want the slightest amount of questioning the safety of their products on the Networks they themselves control? Don’t be a Naive Fool. Think of all the unsafe Products on the Market like GMOs, FDA ‘approved’ drugs, Food Dyes, Aspartame in Diet drinks, High Fructose Corn Syrup, ect, ect. As with all of those issues, Education about Safety will be done by Citizen Activists, not the Media. Don’t be Lazy. Don’t wait for NPR to tell you to do something (your $20 does not = the Industry Billions). Has anyone noticed how they say ‘Tell your Smart Speakers to Play NPR’ ??? Essentially this is FREE ADVERTISING for the Industry!! Ask your Smart Speaker to search on WiFi Radiation. EDUCATE YOURSELF !! Don’t Wait, Wait for NPR to tell you. Though to their credit, they did at least carry this story:
EPA: Actually, a Little Radiation Might Be Good For You
Kinda reminds you of this huh? What are today’s ‘Experts’ telling you about Wireless Radiation?
Though this IS NOT just the ‘anti-science’ of the Trump EPA, this is an Anti-Science Bias towards Mega Corporations who Pollute the Environment that has been going on for a long, long time. Don’t be afraid to use the F word, Fascism. Or the C word, Corporatism. Government PROTECTS the Corporation, not YOU. And the Corporate Owned Media DOES NOT do their job either. NPR is just as Corporate as any Media. Don’t be Naive. The only True Bastion of Free Speech left is probably the Editorial Page of your local paper (write one yourself about this topic), Youtube (for now, but more Censorship daily), and Independent News & Blogs on the internet such as this one.
Anybody who does not believe this about our Media had better watch the documentary The Corporation. Here is an example of an Investigative News Team who did want to do some actual Reporting. Even if there are News Reporters out there who want to tell you about EMFs, their hands are tied. They will get Fired if they dare Break the Corporate Rules of the Game:
There is NO LAW that Requires our Media to tell us the Truth!! As this award winning Documentary points out. All Media should come with the Disclaimer: For Your Entertainment Purposes Only. Just as there is No Law that requires the Industry to Tell us the Truth. The FCC is in bed with the Industry in the same way the FDA is in bed with Big Pharma, and the Presstitutes pretend they inform you when in fact they are screwing you.
Anybody who thinks their Government Corporate Controlled FCC is going to ‘protect’ them from anything should probably ask themselves why Monsanto’s Round Up is still available in any store? You could march right into any Home Depot right now and buy enough Round Up to give your entire block Cancer. Why are Opiod Pain Killers still available? How did they ever get onto the market in the first place? Why can kids still buy ecigs? Why do FDA approved drugs kill millions per year with well known side effects (remember Viox)? Why are GMOs everywhere? How is it that 85% of Californians voted for a simple GMO Labeling Bill and STILL could not get them labelled??? We cannot get GMOs labeled, and don’t expect your Smartphone to get a label other than the one already hidden deep in the Legal Section of your Phone.
Here is one of the few news reports you will ever see on any kind of mainstream news. Of course many might say, “Well, we cannot trust the Russian RT to tell us the truth can we? Didn’t they meddle with our election”. What ‘Democracy’ do we even have? The Media is SUPPOSED to be a major tool of the people to keep the Government in check. If we have lost A FREE PRESS FOR A FREE PEOPLE, what checks and balances are left? And has not the CIA ‘meddled’ in elections around the world? Including Coups and assassinations? Lets get real. Russian RT and Irans Press TV are MUCH BETTER sources of info than our Corporate Controlled News. Sad state of affairs, but face the sad truth.
There is now a Lawsuit against 2 Smartphone makers for exceeding the FCC Radiation limits. Go ahead and Google: Smartphone Lawsuit. Very few even bothered to cover the story. Which in fact SHOULD be huge Front Page News:
Here is a story that did make it into mainstream news. The Targeting of US Diplomats at the Embassy in Cuba and China. They come right out and tell you it was some kind of RF Microwave Weapon!!! But they are betting on the ignorance of the public to not add 2+2 and conclude that perhaps the RF Microwaves from all of their ‘smart’ devices are not perfectly safe. Granted the Weaponized Microwaves are a much higher Frequency, probably closer to 5G & 6G, but 4G is still just your head in a Microwave Oven on Low instead of High.
Note how 2 of the men got Parkinsons Disease from their RF Radiation exposure. Has anyone noticed an alarming rise in Parkinsons & Alzheimers lately? Do you want them in your future? Also note how the other victims experienced symptoms very similar to Traumatic Brain Injury, also in your very near future. So many parents are keeping their kids from playing Football these days. But how many parents are limiting the Smart Phone time of their children? The NFL Cover-Up of Brain Trauma is just another example of a Corporation existing above the Law in this Fascist Country. They knew for years and said NOTHING!! What consequences did they suffer for Lying other than a few lawsuits from former players and a Hollywood movie? They still enjoy record ratings in the same way Smartphones enjoy record sales and use.
The coming 5G is LITERALLY a Military grade Weapons System!!!! What was done to our diplomats could easily be done to any citizen whom Big Brother deems a problem and drops below the Social Credit Scoring System that is now in China and coming soon to the US. Trump is worried about China building 5G first??? They just want to be the ones in charge of this Weapon System. Kind of like the classic scene in the movie Animal House where the Drill Sergeant is berating one of their Pledges, “Hey, he can’t treat our Pledge like that. Only we can treat our pledge like that.” And yes, the American public is ‘Worthless and Weak’ if they do not Wake Up!!!!
Has anyone ever watched one of those Ghost Hunting Shows? What is their #1 piece of equipment to detect Paranormal Activity? An EMF Meter right? Isn’t it strange that the very same environment that Evil Spirits like to operate in now exists in your house too? I will let people draw their own conclusions from this. Suffice it to say that most every house in America is now a Haunted House. Haunted by invisible EMF Radiation.
If you ask your internet/phone provider about the safety of your WiFi Router or your Smart Phone, they will probably say something like ‘Well, it is no more damaging than the Radiation from the Sun. And you go in the sun don’t you? So don’t worry about it.’
Yes indeed, they are correct. The sun does give off Radiation. Airline Pilots get concerned about the amount of Radiation they are exposed to because they fly closer. But lets examine that Logic. You are not in the Sun all day long in the same way we are exposed to WiFi/Phone Radiation all day long. Does anybody in their right mind lay naked totally exposed to the sun all day long without any sunscreen? Is there such a thing as Sunscreen for your Phone/WiFi? And the sun is only up 1/2 the day. At least you get a Radiation break at night, but I challenge you to even find an OFF Switch for your WiFi Router? So by their logic you get at least TWICE the Radiation as the Sun (assuming you lie naked on your lawn from dawn to dusk). And because you already get Radiation from the Sun, well Hell, a little MORE Radiation aint’ gonna hurt ya. What kind of Logic is that? Isn’t that kind of like saying to the guy at the bar, ‘Well, you’ve already had 4 beers, so why not have 4 more before you drive home.’ Or saying to a smoker, ‘Well, you’ve already smoked a pack today, so why not smoke another.’ Or the wife to her farmer husband, ‘Well Honey, you’ve been spraying Pesticides all day long, so I’m not gonna bother washing these Pesticide laden Vegetables for dinner. Because whats a few more Pesticides gonna hurt ya.’ This kind of Logic somehow only works for the Tel Comm Industry? And people somehow buy it ??? The ‘acceptable’ level of Radiation for anyone should be 0.
Anyone been to the dentist lately? They put that huge Lead Shield over you for that 1 second burst of X-Rays. They’ve even recently changed the technology to Safer Digital and they STILL GIVE YOU that shield to make you feel better. Contrast that with the Tell Com industries utter disregard for your safety. Granted, X-Rays are far more powerful than Microwaves. But you get exposed to Microwaves 24/7 every day of the year vs that 1 second.
And what is the ‘Scientific’ Testing the FCC uses to determine how ‘safe’ your Phone is? They take a Dummy Head filled with Gel and see if the Phone raises the Temperature. They ONLY TEST FOR IONIZING RADIATION (Heat). To see if that Phone will Literally Cook your Head like a Microwave Oven. Do YOU have a Dummy Head Filled with Gel? If you Believe their ‘Science’, well maybe you do! There is NO TEST for the effects of Non Ionizing Radiation.
What’s Wrong with Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Limits?
A common misconception people have about their phone is that ‘Well I really don’t talk on it very often. And I text to minimize my exposure.’ Those are good ideas. But even when not in use, your phone is constantly ‘pinging’ Cell Phone Towers. Each time it ‘pings’, you are still getting Radiation. This is so that Big Brother can keep track of your location at all times.
Your Cell Phone GPS is Tracking Your Every Move
Gee, why do you Suppose the Industry feels the need to Disguise these Towers? When Cell Towers were first going up, there were Laws that said they could not be within a mile of a School. Now they put them in Schools and Churches.
The #1 thing most people have heard is how a Lap Top can effect Sperm Count levels, and this is absolutely True. But they don’t bring that thought to a Logical Conclusion? If it can effect Sperm, what else can it effect?
Dropping Fertility Rates are making Headlines Worldwide! Gee, what is the #1 change in the environment over the past 20 years that could account for that? I guess we need to change the classic saying to: ‘There is a Smartphone sucker born every minute, but not much will be born after that, other than a brain tumor.’
The U.S. fertility rate just hit a historic low. Why some demographers are freaking out.
Women who store their Smart Phones in their Bra have also been getting Breast Cancer in the exact spot they store their phone. EMF Radiation effects the softer tissues of the Breast and Testicles first, because these have less protection. But the Negative Health Risks go far beyond these 2 most widely known examples.
Sleep is so vitally important to Everyone. WiFi and EMF’s interfere greatly with our Sleep. Your body starts producing Melatonin Naturally as soon as the sun goes down. But your body cannot tell the difference between the Natural Frequencies of the Sun, and the unnatural Frequencies of WiFi. Turn WiFi and all ‘smart’ devices off at night!!
Having Trouble Sleeping?
You May be Suffering from an EMF Health Effect
Back in the early 1900’s when Radiation was first discovered people actually thought it was a Health Product! We all laugh at their Stupidity now, but how much has really changed? Just because Wireless Technology is new and High Tech, people think it is Harmless? During early A-bomb tests they would tell soldiers, ‘Hey, go stand over there for this Atom Bomb test, and lets see what happens to you.’ Today the Industry is asking the same of you, the Consumer. You are an unwilling Guinea Pig in the world’s largest Radiation Experiment ever. This technology is only 20 years old, so the long term effects are yet to be seen. Especially in the children who’ve grown up being irradiated since the time they were a sperm/egg.
Someday (if there is a next Hand Maids Tale generation that is) people will think we were just as Stupid as the people using Radium in everything. Or the way everyone used to Smoke in movies Pre 80’s. We think everything should be Wireless? Has everyone forgotten that Radiation is actually bad for you? It is getting hard to find a non-wireless mouse. Apple forced people into wireless headphones at first until enough Sheeple complained. People take Radon Gas very, very seriously. If someone finds out their house has Radon (an odorless, tasteless source of Radiation), You Bet they will do something about it!! In the same way you need a Radon Detector, you should get an EMF Meter.
Another well known (at least it should be) effect of WiFi is that it causes the Blood Brain Barrier to ‘leak’. Meaning it will allow more Harmful Heavy Metals into the Brain. Anyone who does not know how IMPORTANT the Blood Brain Barrier is had better do some research ASAP! People will freak out over a few lead paint chips. But those same people don’t think twice about the mechanism by which lead and a host of other toxins will go directly to the brain. Most of a lead paint chip would otherwise pass safely through the digestion of a child due to the bodies natural defenses.
Everything in Life is about Frequencies. You are a Spiritual Being. Every thought, word, deed emits a certain Frequency. Either good or bad. So do you suppose we can be affected by the Frequencies around us?
Many have heard of the amazing experiments in water done by Dr Emoto . How Water Molecules actually respond to your voice or even a message written on a glass of water. Remember, you are mostly water.
If even a thought or a word can affect water/you, what do you suppose EMF’s and Microwaves can do? EMF’s have been shown to ‘clump’ or ‘stack’ Red Blood Cells. Therefore limiting Blood Supply and vital Oxygen to cells.
Did you know you can capture your bodies energy field with special Photography equipment?
The Photo on the left she is holding a Cell Phone. The Photo on the right is her normal Aura.
What if we could see the Electric Smog that is constantly all around us? If we could see it or smell it, we’d probably be alarmed. But like Carbon Manoxide, it’s invisible.
And then we multiply the problem by putting a Microwave Transmitter (Cell, Smart Phone) right next to our head!
Everybody has a smart phone these days, but few know the risks. Few ever read the Warning Label right on their phone. They do not encourage anyone to look at it. And the Cell Phone Industry has covered up the dangers.
Cell Phones are the new
Cigarettes/Asbestos. Both of those were widely accepted until public knowledge grew to the point that something was done. Lawsuits are slowly starting. France just passed a law to limit cell phone use by chidren. Public awareness is growing.
San Francisco has actually begun putting up Public Awareness posters. Most everyone by now has heard something about Cell Phone Radiation dangers.
Parents are going to be horrified when they discover the damage being done to their children. Children are more at risk than adults because their skulls are not fully developed and are softer. This allows more radiation to penetrate. There are a few advantages to being hard headed. Studies have already been done. There is going to be an avalanche of Brain Tumors in the next few years as the Guinea Pig generation ages.
Parents really need to limit the amount of time their children spend on a Cell Phone. At night everybody should turn it off and keep it at least 6 ft away from bed.
So do you suppose that even after learning all the risks, people are going to be willing to live without their Cell/Smart Phones? No way! Most people can’t live without them. They are willing to take any risk. Dangers are ‘out of sight, out of mind’. So what is the next best alternative? Protect yourself.
We are being exposed to 100 million times higher level of electromagnetic radiation than our grandparents. According to the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM), in the last 20 years, physicians began seeing patients reported that electric power lines, televisions and other electric devices caused a wide variety of symptoms. By mid 1990’s, it became clear that patients were adversely affected by electromagnetic fields and becoming more electrically sensitive. With the advent of wireless devices, there has been a massive increase of radio-frequency (RF) exposure from wireless devices as well as reports of hyper sensivity and diseases related to electromagnetic fields and RF exposure.
This increased overexposure to EMF has been creating imbalances in the body. In fact, medical science documents that 9 of the top 10diseases killing Americans can be linked to EMF radiation. Millions of people around the world are now suffering from hypersensitivity to EMF radiation. The sources of EMF exposure are many such as cell phones, laptops, computers, gaming equipment, and electrical wall currents in the homes and places of work. Let’s just say that ALL electrical and wireless devices are potential TASER guns and assault the body.
So what is the answer to living in a Hostile High Tech World? Giving our bodies the energy it needs to combat the Negative Assault of EMF Waves with Positive Frequencies that will Balance Out the bad. Think of it as Kung Fu or putting up your shields on Star Trek. There are many EMF Protection options out there. Pendants, Bracelets, Natural Gemstones, ect. But the beauty of the Body Align Hologram is that you can place it anywhere. Back of a watch, back of smart phone, jewelry you already have, ect. It must be in close proximity to your body to work. It may be advisable use a variety of Protection methods? Such as using a Grounded Mat while working at computer and placing Gemstones around bed while sleeping.
How Holographic Technology Works:
“Imagine being able to instruct your body’s cells to perform specific tasks by sending a signal that activates acupuncture points and meridians.
Body Aligns breakthrough technology does just that and a whole lot more.
The products from Body Align combine the proven effectiveness of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, with advanced holographic technology to produce a revolutionary delivery system to influence the body for optimum health.
Research shows that our formulated holograms activate acupuncture meridians in the body by creating a thermal temperature change — think acupuncture without needles.
We signal the body thermally without needles, drugs, chemicals, herbs, or physical devices. The easy to use peel-and-stick holographic discs are always convenient.
Body Align is the world leader in communicating with the body using holographic technology.
We are the original creators of this cutting-edge innovation and continue to dominate the industry in research.
The holographic discs from Body Align use acupuncture point placement as a vehicle to activate the body’s meridians and bio field (energy field), to create the desired effect: weight loss, more energy, restful sleep, or pain relief.
Much like an acupuncture needle, the holograms create a thermal temperature differential. This heat transfer results in a cooling of the acupuncture point or meridian under the hologram.
The higher temperature from the body in relationship to the lower temperature of the air (or silicon when using the Body Align performance band) creates an energetic effect over the acupuncture point known in physics as Thermal Transduction. This activates the acupuncture point — think acupuncture without needles.
Billions of people use, Acupuncture, a branch of Chinese Medicine. It is one of the oldest continuously practiced and documented forms of medicine in the world.
- Acupuncture is based on the theory that what hap-pens in one part of the body is reflected in the rest of the body – that everything is interconnected.
- It aims to restore and maintain health through the activation of specific points on the body.
Holograms have multiple applications, from providing authentication tags to preventing counterfeiting. They can be found everywhere on credit cards, driver’s license, passports and banknotes.
In addition to commercial applications, scientist are finding advanced application in energetic, and biochemical storage and retrieval.
Known as smart holograms, they respond to physical, chemical and biological stimuli.
- Holograms contain all the information needed to reconstruct a whole image.
- They contain many dimensions of information in far less space, like a compressed file. In the future they will revolutionize storage capacities.
- They hold information in a subtle network of interacting signals.
This material is then charged with energetic electromagnetic longitudinal waves (scalar waves) that your body can assimilate.
Body Align is the only company to first use Scalar Wave Technology in programming their holograms. Scalar Waves are longitudinal waves that carry both information and energy in the same wave form.
German physicist Dr. Konstantin Meyl, known as the foremost authority on scalar technology, has been instrumental in helping 8ight develop the signaling processes used to program our holographic discs.
How Does Cellular DNA Communicate Holographically
Ground breaking research out of the Moscow Institute of Control Science shows that the DNA in each of our cells carries complex information on the whole body.
Drill down further from DNA and atomic structure to the subatomic realm of quantum physics.
It is at this level that some physicists strongly suggest that the nature of reality is analogous to that of a holographic projection. Scientist propose that DNA functions in a way that correlates with holographic projection. DNA projects a blueprint for the organism that is translated from the electrodynamic to the molecular level and functions as a bio-computer. This DNA-wave bio-computer reads and writes genetic code and forms holographic pre images of bio structures.
Furthermore, recent presentations at the 2nd DNA World Congress (WDD-2011) in Dalian, China demonstrated the physics behind the cellular communication of the body, resonance of DNA and that of colloidal water which can be signaled using scalar longitudinal waves.
The Body Align system uses longitudinal scalar waves in communicating holographically with the body.”
Studies at Alabama (where the top ranked Crimson Tide uses Body Align) have shown how Holographic technology impacts Blood Cells on a slide under a microscope. The Lab Technician states that in 15 years of Blood work she has never seen anything like the improved function of the blood cells when a Hologram is placed next to them.
Always remember you are mostly water. You are what you eat & drink. And you are also what Frequencies you are surrounded by (Either good or bad). Along with the Frequencies you put out with your own voice and thoughts (prayer). Brings new meaning to the verse ‘Out of your inner most being shall flow Rivers of Living Water’ does it not?
Drinking plenty of pure water (not tap water) and getting enough Colloidal Minerals will help the Holographic Technology work even better. Diet will always be the key to good health. There are also ways to charge your water before you drink it. There are expensive ionizers out there, but here is the simplest solution. Prill Beads.
Some Christians may think this all sounds a little New Agey. Remember Jesus now has a spiritual/light body. Could you almost say it is Holographic? The founder/scientist is a Christian. He has been blessed with this understanding and wisdom for a hurting world. Others may think that God will protect them from EMF’s or why not just use prayer alone? That may be true to a degree. But if you have the faith to have God protect you from your cell phone, then you should have the faith to live without your cell phone. Our actions have consequences. You can’t eat whatever you want can you? Use common sense and yes indeed, use prayer. Put out Positive Frequencies of your own.
How can you tell if any kind of EMF Protection you use is working? There are various Muscle Strength tests to use, the easiest is the BDORT (Bi Digital O Ring Test). This is a finer tuned measurement of your bodies electrical impulses. If you already have some kind of protection, try this test, and see how we well you do?
And the most boring part, how you can become a Distributor and the Compensation Plan: