It’s not DoomsDay when you have the BrideGroom Jesus


This Blog is intended to be a Pointer blog. Mostly it is a list of recommended Links to Point you in the right direction. These are ministries and channels that I myself follow and have benefitted from in my Walk with Jesus.



The Founder of the World Wide Ministry Last Reformation …..

…is in Jail for Preaching the True Gospel right here in America. First he got kicked out of his home country of Denmark and he came here and started a Revival. Now he is in Jail on False Charges and they are threatening to Deport him. Please Pray.

The Last Reformation

Last Reformation Map to find people in your area

Persecution is coming, and it has already begun. One of the ways to tell a True Ministry from a False Ministry is if they face any kind of Persecution. Such as getting strikes on YT … most everyone I follow struggles to stay on YT. The Communist Social Credit Score is already in effect. Just not official yet.

Very  Soon anything Christian will be classified as ‘Hate Speech’ and ‘Radical’ and ‘Anti Government Extremism’. Take advantage of the many Ministries on YT now before they all disappear. That is when the  Famine of the End Times will  Become for the Hearing of the Word of God. There will be plenty of of Beast One World Religion ministries, but they will all be False. Just like China has an official State sanctioned ‘church’ which preaches a False Gospel. So they can claim ‘freedom of  Religion’ to the World while Persecuting the Underground Home Church.

Many of the Ministries and Watchmen I follow have learned to Hear the Voice of the Spirit. This is how the Bible was written. By men who learned to Hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit. And he still Speaks today …”for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.”

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Think about how a dog has ‘supernatural’ senses compared to ours. Their sense of Hearing and Smell are so much better, which is why they make such good Guard Dogs and can alert us to danger. There are many stories of dogs who have saved their owners because they can sense Heart Attacks, Strokes, ect.

We too have the Holy Spirit as a 6th sense. The Holy Spirit can speak to us but our Natural Mind is often too cluttered and busy to Hear. That is why God Speaks in a “Still Small Voice”.  The Natural Mind must attain a state of Peace and Stillness and Humbleness to Hear. Jesus went into the Wilderness away from Distractions to Pray. True Prayer requires Discipline and Fasting and Being Led by the Spirit and Not Leaning on our Own Understanding.

The Holy Spirit can lead us in many ways.
Often times it is through a Gut Feeling.
Even unbelievers often talk about having a Gut Feeling. Even unbelievers still have a Spirit created by God though it is in subjection to the Soul.
Intuition is a Function of the Spirit of man.
The Holy Spirit speaks to the Human Spirit,
which can then be Heard by the Soul of the Believer.
The Gut has many Neurons and is often called the Bodies 2nd Brain.
The Holy Spirit will simply Super Charge this already created aspect of man.
In fact there are Bible Verses that seem to indicate this is where the Holy Spirit actually resides.

“He that believes on me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. But this spoke he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive” (John 7:38-39).

“The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly” (Proverbs 20:27).

“The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly” (Proverbs 18:8).

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My #1 Goal is to Learn to Hear the Holy Spirit as others have learned to do. As the men who wrote the Bible learned to do. Some teachings that have helped me:

How to Hear the Voice of God — Derek Prince — How to Hear the Voice of God part 2

*Attention — Attend to His Word

*Humility — “Bow down thine ear, and Hear Me … For I Am Poor and Needy”

*Time —- Make the Time to Meditate, Read, Pray. Get rid of Idols of the Flesh                                   (entertainment, TV, sports, Social Media ect.) that rob Time….”REDEEM                                                        Your Time, for the Days are Evil”

*Quietness — Get away from all electronic ‘smart’ devices. Go for a walk in the Woods.                          Try Earthing. My favorite thing to do is load up an ipod with good                                         teachings and music and hike. Shut it off and soak up the Silence.

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Hear is a Great Teaching from Vicky Adkins channel. People ask her how she Hears?

I put a lot of the Words she receives in the Blog section.

….”The LORD said to me yesterday morning that people can’t hear Him because they haven’t learned to speak His language. In this message, He gave me 7 things He wants from His people in order to hear His voice. This is not about earning our salvation. Only through the One Who is Faithful and True ~ He is called The Word of GOD, are we able to be saved. This is about learning how to speak to Him, and as a result, learning how to hear Him speak to us.”….

Vicky and Chuck website and blog — Highly Recommend, bookmark page and                                                        subscribe to her Youtube Channel

Hearing God’s Voice Guide —- from Dude Disciple blog

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We are all going to have to Learn to be Led by the Spirit in the Dark Days ahead. Soon the entire internet will likely go down and we won’t be able to depend on Prophetic Words from others. How will we make important decisions….. Like when is it going to be Time to Flee the Cities? Where will I go to be Safe? When will they begin to Round up Resistors for the FEMA Camps? When will they be coming to my door to Forcibly Vaxx me?

Here is a Vison given to Glenn Jackson

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The Father showed me a vision of a large “blueprint”. It was a blueprint concerning the fullness of Satan’s schemes”. He likened it to an architect getting a “top-notch” blueprint for a magnificent building. Jesus is the “architect” and the Holy Spirit continually lays out this “top-notch” blueprint in our heart [schemes of Satan] and, then, empowers us to carry out our attacks on the Evil One – his schemes revealed by “blueprint” [revelation].

The Father spoke to me and said: ….”and, thus, shall Satan be continually “devastated” by My faithful ones in this final hour!”…. * Any time you need to know what Satan is up to, My beloved ones, only “acknowledge” that you need to know what is going on in your own life – or in the lives of those with whom you have to do – and we shall sit down together and we shall lay “the blueprint” before us, and then you shall go forth from our “interview” [face to face meeting] and by My Power you shall thoroughly devastate every scheme that Satan attempts to set up against you and those I have given you.

Truly I say to you, if Satan is persecuting those that I have given to you then he is persecuting you. If he is attempting to harm those I have given to you then he is attempting to harm you. So, therefore, go forth in the fulness of My power – and never settle for anything less than the full and total obliteration of Satan’s schemes. Pursue the Enemy until he is consumed!…..

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When we are sitting in Heavenly places with Christ Jesus, we see things from His perspective – which is a completely different viewpoint then when one is “grounded” [in their heart] in the “natural realm”. I saw a vision of sitting up there [way above the earth] on a chair next to Jesus and the Father. Not only could I SEE things from Their perspective but They were talking to me so I could HEAR Their truths as well [which came to me as “instant revelation”].

There was “face-to-face” [heart-to-heart] communication as They pointed things out that were happening below and explaining about them in detail. So I both saw and heard everything from Their viewpoint which, then, resulted in me understanding what was transpiring on the earth in a completely different way. “minutiae” – small, precise or trifling details; The Father said that if we live like that [and it is possible for us to have such a close and intimate relationship with Them that we are actually sitting beside Them] They will impart to us Their knowledge [Wisdom] about situations.

Physically, we are walking upon the earth [way below] BUT in spirit we abide [dwell] in the high places! The Holy Spirit will reveal [and teach] all things to us IF we are close enough to sit and enjoy face-to-face communication with the Father and Jesus. He will show us Their heart and give us continual discernment, revealing Their Will and perspective in any given moment. Thus, we will see things very, very differently if we “abide” [dwell] in the Heavenly place with Jesus and the Father in this hour. We will be above the “minutiae” of life in our “own” understanding – and regard it through Their eyes instead.

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All those who truly love God [those who place His Will above ALL else] MUST be positioned in this holy place [the place of “ascension” – which is the place wherein one abides in the “fullness” of their authority in Christ] – for it is truly “home base” for the remnant [Glorious] Church and all that will issue forth through Her in this final hour! Another important factor in living the “ascension-life” that is ours, in Christ, is that we can see everything going on in the “world” for exactly what it is from a Heavenly perspective [with both feet planted firmly in the Kingdom] – and, thus, not be affected in the same way as those in the “world”.

Even if we are affected “physically” [because we are, of course, still living here on the earth] it will not affect our spirit [and heart towards the Lord] – and, because of these things, we are THEN able to put our bodies “completely” under subjection to the s[S]pirit [Romans 12:1-2] and, thus, both rise above and overcome in ANY given circumstance or situation. Abiding in the “place of ascension” is an entirely different “plane” [level] than a carnal existence and is available to EVERY believer – and, indeed, it is precisely where we, as true sons and daughters MUST be positioned in this most critical and glorious hour! ..

Full Vision of the Blueprint Here


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These days there are so many Youtube channels with people giving Words and Prophecies and claiming to Have Gifts of the Spirit. We all need to be wary these days. Some Red Flags for me is when someone calls themselves an Apostle or a Prophetess or tries to Glorify themselves in any way instead of bringing Glory to God.

Humility is a trait that should be evident  because Humility is KEY to Hearing Correctly. Do they Line up with Scripture is of course #1 to examine. We all need to be Good Bereans anytime we listen to anyone. And listen to that Gut Feeling. I guess I won’t spend too much time on who I think is False. The people on this blog have all passed my personal Vetting Process.

Also remember “My Sheep know my Voice”. If the Holy Spirit is speaking through a person you will recognize it. If they are speaking out of their own imagination and human spirit it will eventually show. People can be influenced by Religious Spirits or various False Doctrines….. I Kings 22 “And the LORD said unto him, Wherewith? And he said, I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.”

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One recent Channel I found is The Master’s Voice blog

At first I was kind of on the edge about her. Some of the things she talks about seem so Sci Fi and hard to Believe. I sometimes wonder if people can be influenced by the movies they watch and books they read when given Prophecy? And can it be a mixture of their human spirit and the Holy Spirit? But then she says on the subjects of aliens and zombies (she calls them re animated) that it is not one of her favorite topics. That she does not enjoy those type movies.

I’ve always known that all the Zombie movies and the CDC’s own Zombie Apocalypse campaign were pointing to something. The CDC is not in the biz of Joking around, they are deadly serious. The joke is on the public…. which turned out to be the vaxx. But I always thought it was all about Mind Control, not actual dead people coming back to Life. And it bothered me that she moved out of her Family’s house into a single apartment because she’s worried about her own Family going Zombie? Where is the Faith that God can Reverse and Heal the vaxx? That is my biggest Red Flag so far.

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But every time I start to doubt her, she says other things that are legit. Like it was the Spirit who told her about Dimitri Dudamman when she received words about Russia. I’ve known about Dimitri Dudamman for a long time and have his vision in my Watchmen section. She has an entire section on Russia.  Here she talks about how her first 10 years of regular ‘church’ had to be challenged as she was taught by the Holy Spirit: I saw the end of the world

The Masters Voice has become a very Polarizing ministry on YT. Seems like most are calling her a False Prophet. I still have a slight amount of  Doubt about her. I really don’t watch her on a regular basis enough to find Red Flags. If I find some I’ll delete her as a Recommendation.

Some others I follow: I have a Full List in the Watchmen Section and Ministries. But I’ll highlight some here in case Folks never make it to those pages.

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Latter Rain 333 — She gets many Words, Dreams, and Visions. She has a Safe Haven Forum and a Dreams and Visions Forum and I’m active on both: LatterRain333 Forum

Behold I Come — Highly Recommend. I never really understood the 144,000 or the Rapture until I read her Words. The ‘rapture’ is not what most think. It is the First Fruits transfer into their Glorified Body. But it isn’t some kind of quick ticket out of here. We will have lots of Work to do, we aren’t going anywhere. Otherwise how would anyone left in the Deception ever get saved? It will be the Greatest Latter Days Outpouring of the Spirit in Miracles, Signs and Wonders since Jesus walked the earth.

Servant of God — I just found her. She’s right on target.

My Hiding Place —- Recently found her off the Prophecy444 site. Her channel is relatively new. Just a further sign that the Anointing is Increasing and more and more End Times Messengers are being Raised Up

Back To Your First Love  —– She’s been shown many Dreams and Visions of the coming Fall of Babylon USA. This vision is particular is so Amazing. An Angel actually took her to the Future and she saw Endless Piles of Dead Bodies, so many they were impossible to Bury. The way she describes the look of Horror on the Corpses Faces…. so Real: Vision of the Pale Horse

Midnight Cry with Deborah — Midnight Cry website

Shirley Lise

Rosie Lost Sheep

Essence of Revelation

Let There Be Light Inc

It is very interesting that most of the Channels I follow are Women. It almost seems to me like God is in some way giving the Woke World what it wants. So many Liberals and Unbelievers complain about the Bible being Male Dominated, Male Centric, Sexist, ect, ect ….. And they use this as an excuse why they don’t believe in the Bible.


Words Given to Holy Spirit Wind — They have already taken down the website of Jeff Byerly. But they can be found in PDF form.

You Need to Learn to hear God’s Voice for Yourself
This message is from the Holy Spirit who lives inside
every person that has trusted in, clings to and relies on
Jesus Christ to be their savior and Lord.
Do you realize that half of the reason that Jesus died was
so that we could have the Holy Spirit living inside of us. He
went away so that The Comforter could come and now we
are the Temples of the Living God, not built by human
My friends, I desire that you would hear God’s voice for
YOURSELF. In the times that are coming upon this world
you will need to hear The Holy Spirit’s voice so I am going to tell you how.
Firstly you need to sit quietly before The Lord the way that Mary did. Many of you are like Martha running here and there doing “The Lord’s work” but you hardly ever spend alone time with Him.
When you make the practice of sitting at His feet every day and listening to the still small voice you just KNOW the difference. Jesus said, My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
The Way that works best for me is, every morning I get up and I worship Him with music before I do anything else. I sit there or kneel or lay prostrate or with my hands raised. However the Spirit leads me, I’m not religious about it. At first if you are not used to doing this it may seem odd and you may just want to start with 10 or 15 mins, but you will want to go longer once His presence starts to overwhelm your entire being. When this happens an hour is like no time at all, just soak yourself in His presence. You need to enter into the Secret Place of the Most High (Psalm 91)
Brothers and sisters please do NOT just come to Him with a big long prayer list. Treat Him like your lover because HE IS! There is NO ONE that loves you more and you should feel the same way about Him! FOCUS ON HIM AND ONLY HIM! Once everything gets going I speak and sing in tongues (I will not get into that debate, Paul said to forbid Not speaking in tongues 1 Cor 14:39) it is always the perfect prayer from the Holy Spirit. He prays for things that you don’t even know that you have need of and it is always The Fathers perfect will. Then I also pray for some requests with my understanding.

After all that is done is when you should stay silent and wait for Him to speak to you. NO it probably won’t be audible (at least for me it isn’t), but thoughts will start to enter your head that aren’t yours. He might just say “I love you” or “I want you to do such and such” or ” I need you to work on so and so” Whatever it is obey Him. The longer you do this the clearer His voice will get clearer and you can have conversations back and forth with Him all day long.
Telling His thoughts from your sometimes is a little harder and that is when you ask Him to show you confirmation from a couple of different sources, maybe a godly friend, pastor or someone you know that hears The Holy Spirit.

It is my experience that if God is speaking to you about a certain thing He will NOT let it go until you do what He is asking of you. You will have an urge or an unction from The Holy Spirit to do something, and I suggest that you step out in faith and do it. Do not be afraid to step out especially if the thing you are feeling to do is good to do anyways. Do not be afraid to make a mistake or two at first, Satan will never tell you to do anything that is good, He will tell you that what you are hearing is all in your head and it’s all lies. If you feel like you should give someone encouragement by all means do it! If you believe you are to rebuke or reprimand someone give a lot more prayer to see if that’s really what He would have you do.
Whatever you do, do it in love.
Lastly God’s voice is still and small for He is the humblest of all. You will need to turn down the volume of the outside world to hear Him, but I will tell you it is worth it!
I just want to point out that I am not yet perfect and occasionally I make a mistake. I do not hear His voice perfectly either but I hear Him a lot better now than I even did last year. We all need to try to hear Him better, because one day the internet will be silenced and you will not be able to see or hear what the prophets are saying. If you know the voice of the Holy Spirit yourself, He will guide you into all truth.
Love and Blessings!
Jeff Byerly
A Word from the Father’s Heart


One of the Prophetic Words given to Jeff Byerly is about The Fiery Kick Off Event. Which will basically be a False Flag attack on NY. Most likely to be blamed upon the terrorist of choice: Russia, Iran, N Korea, domestic terrorists?

This will not be a Full Thermo Nuclear bomb, but a smaller suitcase Nuke or Dirty Bomb of some kind. It will destroy Wall St and the Financial District and will most likely help cause the World Economic Collapse and begin the Re$et.  Jeff has basically ‘retired’ from being a Watchman. The Warnings have been given. The Judgements will very soon begin: The Warm Ups are Over and the Kick Off Commences

I cannot find the exact Word on the Fiery Kick Off Event. They took it down. But this word hints at it:

Judgment is Set! 

Do not be in awe and wonder about the impending  doom, be in awe and wonder of your God. 

Let the love that I have put in your heart be what  comes out of your mouth. 

DO NOT say ” I told you so” DO NOT speak to  people with a condescending, self righteous ,  religious attitude I HATE THAT ! Show My love and  show much compassion. 

This is your time to shine My bride, this is why you  were born for such a time as this. 

I take no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked, but I alone know the hardened hearts that will  not turn to Me no matter what I do. I alone know if a man will turn to Me in repentance. I AM their  maker and I AM their judge. If there was another way I would choose it. 

My judgments are righteous and final no man can question what I do. I AM a God of love and  mercy. I AM longsuffering, patient, meek and humble, but I hate sin! 

I cannot and will not stand aside and let evil deeds go unpunished. 

I AM a holy God. If you knew the entirety of the sins of this nation ( America ) and the world, you  would not be able to stand it , it would consume you and ruin you completely. 

Yet I see these things endlessly, everyday, every hour, every minute, every second. 

The towers falling, was a warning to America, but not many have repented. Now an event will  happen that will be many times greater in magnitude. It will be devastating! 

My warnings to the sinners are not being heeded and will now STOP. 

They only mock and scoff and ridicule and say ” Where is your God! ” they heap even more of My  judgment on their own heads. Only my bride will be warned from now on. 

The judgment that comes first are the things that I allow the enemy to do. You will see Satan’s  wrath because his time is short. Many of My own will be taken home to be with Me because of  because of these horrific events that are going to take place. You cannot pray these events away.  Instead pray and intercede for the lost and hard in heart , that they will humble themselves and  come to Me with all of their heart. That is what I require! 

I have made the provision for the salvation of All that will call upon My name. 

Weep ,Wail and Travail for the lost that will meet their end. Humble yourselves in intercession, call  for a solemn assembly and fall on your faces before Me. Thousands will arrive in hell because of  the next event. IT IS SET! 

Do not be confused My beloved bride. This is not My wrath yet! For you will NOT see My wrath. 

These things will Not even compare to My wrath. Satan has very little power compared to Me and  he can only do what I allow. My wrath is unbearable and no man or angel or any created thing can  withstand it. My wrath is borne out in “The Destroyer” You cannot imagine the destruction that will  occur. The judgments will happen in rapid fire succession until the end, once they start. 

But behold I will make all things new, because that is what I do! This will not be the first time the  earth will be suffering this destruction, but it will be the worst it has ever seen. As it was in the days  of Noah so shall it be at the time of the coming of My Son. 

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Jeff was also given a Word about the USS Abraham Lincoln being sunk, most likely in the Persian Gulf when the Iran War begins. The USS Ronald Reagan will also be hit, but it may not sink. These 2 ships named after US Presidents will suffer the same fate as those men who were shot.


Below are masonic riddles and ‘dark sentences’ about the planned satanic sacrifice of the USS Lincoln:

Since this is going to be such a HUGE Event. I’m going to spend some time tracking the USS Lincoln and the coming Iran War below.

China is on record for: China Threat To Sink An American Carrier: All Talk Or a Serious Possibility?

Transformers Movie Revenge of the Fallen — US Carrier sunk scene

Revenge of the Fallen was released in 09′ during the midst of the Housing Bubble, Lehman Brothers, Derivatives Crash = the coming Ultimate Crash of the Economy

22′ will mark 13 yrs since the movie = Occult unlucky number 13


From movie to the 47th Bday of zionist israel = 12y 10m 12d = 12 12 = 12*12 and a mocking of the 144,000 with the devil’s chosen Fallen Revenge

At one time the USS Nimitz held the record for longest post Cold War deployment with 144 days at sea = set in 1980 = year the Georgia Guidestones were erected. That record was broken by the USS Lincoln because of tensions with Iran: USS Lincoln breaks record for longest deployment

Or 4707 days from movie = 47 yr old israel = 47 masonic degrees on compass = israel will no doubt pull the US into the Iran War where the Carrier gets sunk

4707 = 3*3*523 = 523 is the 99th prime = so 33 and 99

If you add 3+9 and 3+9 you get another 12 12

I’m not saying the Carrier will get sunk on that exact day. Just an interesting marker in time and I suspect the Iran War will begin sometime around israel’s 47th masonic Bday.

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4707 is a scrambled 4077 = TV show about the Korean War = N Korea will no doubt play a role too in the near future as they test ICBM rockets once again

4077 = 3*3*3*151 = 151 is the 36th prime = sum of 1 – 36 is 666 = 333 and 666

Note the 151 on TVs The Last Ship. A show about an Apoclayptic Flu Pandemic and a resulting  American Civil War.

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Note how in the movie Revenge of the Fallen they attack NY right after they sink the Carrier. This will most likely be the order of events. The USS Lincoln will be sunk followed by the Attack on NY.

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Instead of a Red Cross they show us a Green Cross = Zelen means Green = Zelenskyy = Green Sky = the Green Man Osiris

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In the movie it was the USS Roosevelt that was sunk = Teddy Roosevelt was just removed from the Natural History Museum on 1/19 = 911

Theodore Roosevelt statue removed from American Museum of Natural History — also brings to mind the comedy Night At the Museum movies = Robin Williams played Teddy Roosevelt = Occult Ritual Sacrifice of Robin Williams on 8/11 = 88


The Russian flagship Moskva was sunk in the Black Sea on 4/14 = same date the Titanic struck the ICE berg as news of Largest ever ICE Comet discovered

121 = 11*11 = the USS Lincoln was commissioned  on 11/11, it will be a masonic 33 yrs ago = Muskva sank on the same day Abraham Lincoln died = Ritual Majick for the coming sinking of the Lincoln

Lincoln was born on 2/12 = 212

Lincoln turned from age 212 to age 213 = 3*71 = 2nd prime & 20th prime = 22 in 22′

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71′ is the yr the Dollar was taken off the Gold Standard = as the Yuan and Ruble are now backed by Gold = death of Dollar

President’s Day (Washington born on 2/22) was on the Eve of 2/22/22′, which was a Mega Ritual date. The Ukraine War began shortly after. It was the end of 222nd yr since Washington died = his death turned 223 = Skull and Bones 322 = the entire month of March, a month of War, was a 3/22′ = Georgia Guidestones erected on a 3/22 = ObamaCare passed on a 3/22

And on the anniversary of sinking of Titanic and death of Lincoln date Elon Musk (the Moskva) tweets about a Titanic Legal Battle: Twitter faces Titanic legal battle with Musk …. because Lincoln also represents the coming planned Food Riots Civil War Race War and Musk is being used to anger the Woke Democrat crowd…. 43 million is the 14th prime for the April 14th date…. all masonic ritual.

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The Occult film I pet goat II showed us the Notre Dame fire on this date as well. The Burning (phoenix bird) of the Old World Order so their NWO Re$et can rise from the ashes.

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Remember the Crown of Thorns was rescued from the Notre Dame fire = Good Friday on 4/15 Ritual Date….. So the pet goat film seems to be pointing to Easter of 22′ in particular.

And the Russian ship sunk: Moskva may have been carrying a Piece of the True Cross

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Note the Easter Bunny in the background and the Stag/Buck on the wall = Milwaukee Bucks are the reigning NBA Champs as the playoffs begin.

Her official name is Lilly = Easter Lillies. It could be depicting the Last Supper with the 12 disciples. They no longer follow Jesus, but are partaking of the Forbidden(knowledge) Eden Apple = SuperBaal halftime show Eve After Dark sign.

They are wrapped in Barbed Wire = still in Bondage to Sin and Death

Lilly = the Lilly Wave is known as the Madness Wave

Note the Head Wound as Russia is accused of War Crimes and shooting civilians in the Head = and protests grow over latest Police Shooting in the Head= being compared to Ukraine War Crimes: Protestors demand Justice for Lyoya

And sure enough, on Good Friday April 15th N Korea launched some more missiles. And the report I heard on TV mentioned how the USS Lincoln was in the area and was heading towards N Korea to send a Warning Message.

North Korea Launches 2 Short-Range Missiles The missile test, the North’s 12th of the year, took place as South Korea and the United States were preparing to begin joint military exercises.

It was the 110 yr Bday of the elder Kim Jun iL = 110 story Twin Towers


The former Captain was Captain Slaughter = they plan to Slaughter her

Now the Lincoln has the first ever Woman Commander = Great Whore of Mystery Babylon is Female in nature = Square and Compass represent the Male & Female regenerative principle

She graduated in 94′ = mirror 49th first Female VP Kamala

Bauernschmidt = 137 in gematria

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137 on the masonic compass


She assumed command on Aug 19, 2021 and the Lincoln left port on 1/3/22′ = 4m15d = 4/15 ritual date of Lincoln’s death, Titanic Sinking and Notre Dame fire shown in pet goat.

4m15d = 137 days once again

The day the USS Lincoln left port was also the 2yr anniversary of the death of  Soleimani, for which Iran still seeks Revenge.

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The date of the First Ever female Captain on 8/19/2021

8 + 19 + 20 +21 = 68

Matches the 68 code for the 3 World Wars


6*8 = 48′ birth of israel

Mirror 84 for this 1984 Orwell Big Brother World

8+19+21′ = 48

Obiden’s new Russian born information czar is being compared to Big Brother in the media:


More President’s Day 22′ rituals…. USS George Washington suicides… one of the suicide dates was the April 15th death of Lincoln date:







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